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Suggest names for....

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1Suggest names for.... Empty Suggest names for.... Tue 03 Nov 2015, 11:11 pm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Premium Currency.

Weapons (swords, Bows, Shields, Armor, General Equipment)

Towns, landmarks, etc.

If we decide to use your name, you will be rewarded with 10 units of premium currency. Thanks!

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.


Active Member
Active Member
Premium currency:

-The Pogo Blade
-The Pogo Bow
-Satves of Destruction (yes, 'satves' - as easter egg, hrhrhr)
-The awesome Staff of awesome awesomenessical Pogo of Fishmagicallity
-Imaginary Wind Sword
-Mind Staff
-Death Gaze (a bow)
-Chewing-gum sword
-Indiana Toy bow
-Forest Twigh (all mages need to start somewhere)
-Pokeball (bow with stun ability)
-rock (you just picked the path to become a powerful archer)
-Wooden Sword (the ultimative classic one)
-Searing deception (a sword, fire themed)

-Lombiguites Conceitedness
(a staff with a main black-dark-grey stick wrapped in a spiral between slight blight blue and orange parts that goes to the top that is a sphere with bright orange and round bottom that matches the dark-orange top in one single pointy spot. around are 4 seals in the same dark-grey main coulor of the stick with bright-grey to white signs on it in each of th 4 directions. The bottom parts of the seals in the same orange as the sphere gem and give the seals the impression of burning)

-the Hard Nailer (in this suggestion, it is a crossbow Razz)
-Dead Hawk (longbow, dark themed)

-The last stand
-Force Barrier
-Null (ice themed)
-Tower Shield (a classic one again)
-Plastic Shield (a non-classic one, protects perfectly against paper bullets)
-Tortoise Imperalis (Roman themed tower shield)

-Reaper's Claw (an arm knife, no, or very little defense, boosts offense.)
Pons betrayed me here when I commanded it to translate it into english, so here a pic: http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/arm_shark_fantasy_weapon_540.jpg )

-Prayer Pears of San Tu Shobi (little to no defense, boosts magic offense)
-a dead Leaf (little to no defense, boosts hunter's offense - and yes I know that I do not take hunter serious hrhrhrhr)
-Silver Leather Bangle (same as one above, just the serious version)
-Leaf Shield (protects against wind. Sometimes. xD)

-Pogo Helm
-Fish Boots
-Mage Cape
-> Collect all, it is a set!

General Epquipment:
-Stone of generality
...ah okay serious, what do you mean by general stuff? Rings? Okay:
-Ring of Generality

-Bigski Townski
-and the others I posted there:

3Suggest names for.... Empty Re: Suggest names for.... Mon 09 Nov 2015, 5:27 am


New Member
New Member
I was thinking of selecting about every big city in the world and naming and designing places after them for example : let's make a city named Belleville ( just an example[ It means beautiful city in French]) that'll be based off Paris and will have an iconic tower like the eiffel tower.THis way people will be able to roam the Earth in the game and enjoy it.Exploring not only a fantasy world but our own as well.
I have a few names :
L'amour de la ville / L'amourville : Paris : Eiffel tower like structure
Jinbu city : Shanghai : a part of the town like China town
Einfreren city : London : buckinghum Palace like structure
Yukisenshi: Tokyo : Mount Fuji like mountain
Genesio : Islamabad : Faisal mosque like structure
Claro city : Mumbai : High rise buildings
Oscuro city : New york : Lady liberty like structure
Meriha city : Cairo : Desert and Pyramid like structure
These are what I can think of now

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