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Game Promotion cooperation

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1Game Promotion cooperation Empty Game Promotion cooperation Fri 14 Aug 2015, 1:05 am


Hello there,
I am JesyMynce the creator and operator of JMTM.

I decided to write a thread about the 'game promotion' I spoke about with the profile of ONYXLEGION on Warmane-WoW.
I was told to register on the official website and wait for when the game gets published, assuming that one person will keep in touch with me with news. I did so over a month ago, but nobody contacted me.

I don't have time to read news on the website, because I operate my own channels.
So if the person who I spoke with on Warmane-WoW reads this, assuming he is an administartor or a moderator, I'd like to receive an answer from.

I wasn't very pleased to see that after having a debate on that, nobody contacted me back, after it was spoken of. You have to keep me up to date with what the progress of the game is, otherwise I cannot know what is happening and how to operate with the promotion.
I am disappointed.
PS. I just wrote this down to inform the person I spoke with of the situation. If somebody is going to contact me back it should happen on the known e-mail address.

Have a good day!

Last edited by JesyMynceTM on Sat 15 Aug 2015, 7:07 am; edited 2 times in total


2Game Promotion cooperation Empty Re: Game Promotion cooperation Fri 14 Aug 2015, 1:08 pm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
I'm not sure what was said or promised. We've had a few minor setbacks that we are amending. Seems like he wasn't pointedly ignoring you, but rather was trying to get things in order after a few things that have gone on. I can easily speak for all of us when I say that promotion, at this point, is not high on our priorities.

The one you spoke to was probably Hydracol as he is called on this forum.

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

3Game Promotion cooperation Empty Re: Game Promotion cooperation Fri 14 Aug 2015, 1:16 pm


Just received a notification.

The only reason he didn't respond on Warmane after our conversations was because he is generally not active there, as seen on his Warmane status.

I was speaking about here.

The same day he told me to register, I did, and he said that I will get promoted to a promoter rank, and since then game is not yet public to wait until it becomes. But no other news have been heard in a long time (I don't care about being ranked up - I care about the cooperation - because since then nothing was heard or seen from anybody).

As developers of a game you should take the initiative to inform people who promote you or want to personally with approximetely when the game will be publicly accessable.
I am thrown in wonder and darkness not knowing when and what, because there were still questions unanswered.

I work in a very specific order. My schedule is tight. My own channel has it's own schedule with planned games. That's why it is important to know when the game will be live, so I could position it for promotion in a specific month/months on all sources, before something else, or after another project.

PS. I've mentioned all of these things to the person I spoke with, because before starting something I want everything to be clear to prevent any troubles, like the ones appearing now, because of the lack of information and cooperation.

You realize that I could have always promoted the game without even confirming that to any member of yours. But I spotted that underrated thread on Warmane and liked the game and was eager to try it, because the first PC game I've ever played was called The Battle for Wesnoth, I still play it. The Battle for Wesnoth went through a lot of changes through the years, still one very successful and unique strategy game.
I never liked when a lot of quality games are underrated. I offered my help with promoting the game, so the game receives more subscribers. I don't gain anything from promoting somebodies game. You do, you gain, views and the attention all small developers want, because without spreading the word, you'll stay on the same level. And purpose is development in whatever direction. Surprised Very Happy
On the other hand making something bigger has it's personal price (sacrifice). So that's generally a developers choice, if you want to make it wider, just like with having friends - least but loyal friends (less but loyal subscribers) or many = more work.

It is not the first time I promote somebody else. Did that many times before. But time have past and things change. As there are more expections from me with the time, my methods become more official. So from that perspective, this is why a friend promoter or no matter who, need to stay in touch.

Anyways that's everything in kinda deeper tone. On the surface my message was directed to the person I spoke with, and to what we spoke about. That's all. bounce

Last edited by JesyMynceTM on Sat 15 Aug 2015, 4:38 am; edited 1 time in total


4Game Promotion cooperation Empty Re: Game Promotion cooperation Fri 14 Aug 2015, 2:10 pm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
You'll have to take this all up with him then. Send him a PM, because in a forum post, we can all see this and comment and it seems like a bit of a rant. I'm not sure if any of us were told about you, so we're just shrugging.

If you'd like to discuss this matter on a deeper level, you can PM me and we can talk. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until Hydracol returns from his vacation.

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

5Game Promotion cooperation Empty Re: Game Promotion cooperation Sat 15 Aug 2015, 1:05 am


When Hydracol comes you could show him the thread.

PS. I think I've done a good thing by opening a thread about it, because as you mentioned nobody else have been told.
Also I decided to take this in my hands by opening a thread only to see what is going on, because I started feeling confused about some of the things that were spoken of. SO as soon as this gets cleared, things will be fine.
Things are unclear and both sides need them cleaned up, so we know what we do eventually. Very Happy

PS. If you want you can delete the thread, but you could save screenshots of the thread and show them to Hydracol.

HaGD! Very Happy

Last edited by JesyMynceTM on Sat 15 Aug 2015, 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total


6Game Promotion cooperation Empty Re: Game Promotion cooperation Sat 15 Aug 2015, 1:09 am


Regarded Member
Regarded Member
More like, blue boob promotion.

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