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very good death idea

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1very good death idea Empty very good death idea Sat 25 Apr 2015, 6:54 pm


Jr. Member
Jr. Member
so as the creator said that what you are wearing does not drop. I thought, there could be a cool think with that. Ether 1 random item drops, or.... the items will have a stat saying whats like % chance to drop it on death. The % on death sounds good cause this game is unique and I just want to throw out that Smile

2very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 25 Apr 2015, 7:26 pm


Regarded Member
Regarded Member
For me, it comes down to how rare the "good" equips will be. If super rare, I'd hate to drop them; if not too too rare, then maybe it'd be okay. I do like the hardcore aspect of dropping equips, so I personally think it could be fun if properly balanced.

3very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 25 Apr 2015, 7:36 pm


Jr. Member
Jr. Member
yah Smile good balance in a way so skills can be used alot more often for gear and such Smile

4very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 25 Apr 2015, 8:11 pm


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Muffinslayer wrote:so skills can be used alot more often for gear and such Smile
Not sure what you mean by this.

5very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 25 Apr 2015, 10:18 pm


Interesting thoughts... I like the percent drop specifically being assigned per equip. It would make PCP more fun...


6very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 25 Apr 2015, 10:51 pm


Regarded Member
Regarded Member
Hydracol wrote:It would make PCP more fun...
I don't think anything could make PCP more fun than it already is. That stuff is hardcore, man.

Hydra confirmed PCP user. Shocked

7very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sun 26 Apr 2015, 1:06 am


Haha that's what I get for responding on my phone! Smile


8very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sun 26 Apr 2015, 4:55 am


Jr. Member
Jr. Member
Yeah I thought it would be cool Smile

9very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Fri 22 May 2015, 6:13 pm


New Member
New Member
Voo wrote:For me, it comes down to how rare the "good" equips will be. If super rare, I'd hate to drop them; if not too too rare, then maybe it'd be okay. I do like the hardcore aspect of dropping equips, so I personally think it could be fun if properly balanced.

Balance is everything. If its too easy the game will suck too hard and people will hate it.

10very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Thu 28 May 2015, 10:10 am


New Member
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I think dropping gold upon death is a good balance. People won't cry over their lost uber sword.

11very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Mon 08 Jun 2015, 8:22 pm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Potentially, this could be a fatal flaw for some. Having any % of losing a very unique piece of equipment could cause a % of your player base to leave. Gold loss, on the other hand, does have a way of also producing a very small additional money sink to help balance your economy somewhat.

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

12very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 27 Jun 2015, 11:51 am


New Member
New Member
i have to say i dont like the idea of dropping a weapon when the character dies, imaginate having a discontinued legendary item equipped and a monster comes from nowhere, kill you and that items lost forever
i prefer lost all my coins then have a % of having that horrible luck XD i am sure i should rage quit the game if that happen to me...

13very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 27 Jun 2015, 12:04 pm


How about a percentage of experience drops when dead?


14very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 27 Jun 2015, 12:28 pm


I like the discussion so far! Might I add that there may need to be two scenarios.... one which happens when the player dies in PvE and one when the player dies in PvP.

Using what you guys have said so far, plus my own opinion I came up with this:

PvE Death:
- All carried gold is dropped
- a certain percent of XP is lost (maybe 10% - 25% ?)
- all carried INVENTORY items are dropped
- no worn EQUIPMENT is dropped

PvP Death:
- same as above, except each worn equip has a 10% chance of dropping as well.



15very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 27 Jun 2015, 12:30 pm


Hydracol wrote:I like the discussion so far! Might I add that there may need to be two scenarios.... one which happens when the player dies in PvE and one when the player dies in PvP.

Using what you guys have said so far, plus my own opinion I came up with this:

PvE Death:
- All carried gold is dropped
- a certain percent of XP is lost (maybe 10% - 25% ?)
- all carried INVENTORY items are dropped
- no worn EQUIPMENT is dropped

PvP Death:
- same as above, except each worn equip has a 10% chance of dropping as well.


I don't like the idea of PvE all inventory items dropped.
How about a safe zone in inventory? Like, the first bar (eg. 4/5 items) will always stay and everything else drops. There's some stuff that I'd rage quit if lost, haha.

All items dropped in PvP is good. Very Happy


16very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 27 Jun 2015, 12:32 pm


Ohhh yeah that's an interesting thought! I really like that one.


17very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sat 27 Jun 2015, 2:04 pm


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Last edited by Voo on Thu 24 Sep 2015, 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

18very good death idea Empty Re: very good death idea Sun 28 Jun 2015, 12:28 pm


New Member
New Member
Hydracol wrote:I like the discussion so far! Might I add that there may need to be two scenarios.... one which happens when the player dies in PvE and one when the player dies in PvP.

Using what you guys have said so far, plus my own opinion I came up with this:

PvE Death:
- All carried gold is dropped
- a certain percent of XP is lost (maybe 10% - 25% ?)
- all carried INVENTORY items are dropped
- no worn EQUIPMENT is dropped

PvP Death:
- same as above, except each worn equip has a 10% chance of dropping as well.

kinda like the idea, makes me remember ergheiz: forsaken dungeon mode (i never complete it, was too hard XD) i am sure we will need a storage bank to save some coins and items before going to a quest, the idea of @Lion of have 4 or 5 special slots will be really usefull if we find something in the travel we dont want to lost

19very good death idea Empty a wild Pogofishmage emerges! Thu 13 Aug 2015, 4:16 am


Active Member
Active Member
Hm, so this game includes PvP and is about giving the chance that certain players are able to hunt lower players. Maybe there is a safe level range, maybe there are some starting areas whose are safe, but it will undoubtfully allow people who invest more time into the game to hunt down people who invest less.

I am myselfe having a job IRL and thus I can play only a few hours a day. On the other side someone going to school can easily become stronger and start hunting those who play less. Well killing people, hunting people and getting drops from people is surely fun, but for those who get hunted it isn't. Remembering Bluesaga there were some bored high players who kept killing some players until they lost like 10 levels (from level 20 back to level 10 or 9, which was the last no-pvp level) and literally making it not possible for these players to even play. Oh and as bonus to that, a killed player did lose some of his weapon profession skills. Literally weakening the killed one even more and widening the gap between hunter and killer significantly. Therefore the hunted one does not only lose his level. he loses additional strength in all of his attacks!

Even if there is a level cap or you can open a rule like 'only be able to kill a player x levels below you' then those who invest more time will always be able to farm for better gear and more potions and thus outclass those who *can* play only a few hours a day. Which reminds me on a Minecraft server I once joined just to realize that there are constantly spawn camping people in enchanted diamond amor with diamond swords who kill any noobs who try to leave the the spawn area. Yea, Minecraft has no levels, but do not think that this makes up for everything.

Now after pointing my concerns, I like to say: Having a few 'safe inventory' spots is good. But it should be added in pvp, too. A killer can still have the rest of what I carry.

About dropping weapons... I dislike the idea, but here would be a solution:
-Noob gear is undropable
-Later gear has that % chance which will increase as higher the grade of the item is. More unique items will have a higher % chance to drop
------- BUT -----
You have an ingame crafting ability to lower the % chance of dropping down to zero. The amount of how many coins it will cost depends on the grade of that item and its unique-rank.

So someone who wants to play safe has naturally to pay more. But higher graded people need to invest more money to make their epquipment safe.

Even with that I still don't like that idea of too open pvp. Rendering PvP to certain zones, OK, so people who dont like pvp can still play. well usually those who do not stand a chance anyway.

'Come into the PvP arena and have a fair duel' said the Diamond geared guy to the person who just obtained his leather piece.

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