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Fighting and battling

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1For Suggestions! Fighting and battling Wed 22 Apr 2015, 3:38 pm


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I have no idea where I should put this thread, but I was just going to say if when you die your stuff will be on the ground, because its a good idea cause of skills being used more for armor and such so makes things flow in the world of this game. Like gold and such, makes guilds have vaults with gear in it for people who need help or just died, or even pvp death(if there will be pvp). Cause the bank needs to be used for armor and weapons and coins to store and get ready after death!

2For Suggestions! Re: Fighting and battling Wed 22 Apr 2015, 4:36 pm


Thanks for your suggestion @Muffinslayer . I think I will make a section for suggestions for future topics like this.

Yes, upon death all inventory items and money will be dropped. You will also lose a small percentage of your EXP.

But your skills and the equipment you're currently wearing (swords, etc) will not be lost.

PvP will not be available in the Alpha test but it is the first thing on my list. There will be specific maps in which PvP will be available, such as battlegrounds and a desert region in the wilderness.

As far as guilds go, there will be guild vaults in all major cities for guildmates to share wealth with one another!


3For Suggestions! Re: Fighting and battling Wed 22 Apr 2015, 6:15 pm


Jr. Member
Jr. Member
Hydracol wrote:Thanks for your suggestion @Muffinslayer . I think I will make a section for suggestions for future topics like this.

Yes, upon death all inventory items and money will be dropped. You will also lose a small percentage of your EXP.

But your skills and the equipment you're currently wearing (swords, etc) will not be lost.

PvP will not be available in the Alpha test but it is the first thing on my list. There will be specific maps in which PvP will be available, such as battlegrounds and a desert region in the wilderness.

As far as guilds go, there will be guild vaults in all major cities for guildmates to share wealth with one another!

Sounds good Very Happy sooo pumped to play soon Smile

4For Suggestions! Re: Fighting and battling Fri 24 Apr 2015, 12:18 pm


This sounds pretty cool. What benefits would the guild castle thing give?

5For Suggestions! Re: Fighting and battling Sat 25 Apr 2015, 6:23 pm


Regarded Member
Regarded Member
Hydracol wrote:Yes, upon death all inventory items and money will be dropped. You will also lose a small percentage of your EXP.
Hydracol wrote:PvP will not be available in the Alpha test but it is the first thing on my list.
Sweeet. I love hardcore elements in games.

ReynieJ wrote:What benefits would the guild castle thing give?
I'm also curious about this, if you can say right now. Also, just wanna say that Guild Castle sounds super fun. It's something I'm most looking forward to trying.

6For Suggestions! Re: Fighting and battling Wed 20 May 2015, 9:26 am


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Don't get mad when I steal your items! Twisted Evil

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