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I'll manage the wikipedia too. :)

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1I'll manage the wikipedia too. :) Empty I'll manage the wikipedia too. :) Wed 11 Nov 2015, 5:27 pm


Give me alpha test access. Give me that position you need filled, and you will have yourself one great pc gamer to record live gameplays and advertise the game. Plus I make 750$ a week at work, so maybe if there's buyable items, I'll buy some. Or all of them. Lmao.

2I'll manage the wikipedia too. :) Empty Re: I'll manage the wikipedia too. :) Fri 13 Nov 2015, 2:10 pm


WalterRobert wrote:Give me alpha test access. Give me that position you need filled, and you will have yourself one great pc gamer to record live gameplays and advertise the game. Plus I make 750$ a week at work, so maybe if there's buyable items, I'll buy some. Or all of them. Lmao.

I'd recommend just staying active on the forums.
When the game comes out, we'll probably be hiring Wiki Managers based on their proven knowledge on the forums.

I know there's not much to do on the forums as of yet, so you don't have to be on every day to be 'active'.


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