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1~Progress~ Empty ~Progress~ Thu 20 Aug 2015, 7:59 am


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
For those of you that have been sticking around and patiently waiting, I want you to know that progress is being made. Over the last week, we've seen changes in positions that have been for the very best. Art and animation has seen more progress than it ever has.
~Progress~ NBq1gAk
~Progress~ 0OtPCZZ

Thanks to Lion, our new site is reaching its final stages and is just about ready for everyone to migrate. Hydracol is also working diligently to implement his overall supervision and coding into the game. Keep in mind that anyone that wishes to take up a hand and post their artwork into the fan art will have their work reviewed and quite possibly be asked to assist in this great project!
~Progress~ JukKZOt

Ultimately, alpha testing is becoming more visible in the very near future for those of you on the list. Keep an eye out for the open invitation to migrate to the new site and, as always, stay tuned for more information!

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

2~Progress~ Empty A wild Pogofishmage emerges! Thu 20 Aug 2015, 10:54 am


Active Member
Active Member
I like the swordie animation and I like the windmill, though I have peeked at the windmill before in the QueenC's fanart topic - or did something change?

I also love how you made that 'moving hair' with the clothed char - just one thing comes into my mind: comparing the naked and the clothed one, it seems that the clothed one's hand moves much more to the left than the hand of the naked one while walking, which might make it harder to add a 'moving weapon' since it is a different amount of pixels that a sword has to be moved.

Aside that I am pretty eagerly to finally lay hands on a fresh dropped weapon ingame and nuke some helpless creatures Twisted Evil  Very Happy Twisted Evil

Side note @Countpain:
Jenova is the real evil - Sephiroth is just a clone Razz
Therefore you may know me as Jenova in other games Wink

Last edited by Pogofishmage on Thu 20 Aug 2015, 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : smiley fixed)

3~Progress~ Empty Re: ~Progress~ Thu 20 Aug 2015, 11:00 am


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Pogofishmage wrote: just one thing comes into my mind: comparing the naked and the clothed one, it seems that the clothed one's hand moves much more to the left than the hand of the naked one while walking, which might make it harder to add a 'moving weapon' since it is a different amount of pixels that a sword has to be moved.

Optical illusion. The frames are exactly the same. Each piece of animation is created with the same "naked character" frame of reference to maintain accuracy. The weapon will stay locked within the characters hand regardless of what clothing/armor they wear. Good looking out though.

On a very special side note:
Jenova has boobies

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

4~Progress~ Empty Re: ~Progress~ Sun 20 Sep 2015, 6:14 pm


The Animation looks good i most say!

5~Progress~ Empty Re: ~Progress~ Sun 20 Sep 2015, 7:08 pm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mattin wrote:The Animation looks good i most say!

Thank you

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

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