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why there is so much silence?!

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1why there is so much silence?! Empty why there is so much silence?! Tue 21 Jul 2015, 3:47 pm


New Member
New Member
am i the only one noticing there is too much silence? its been a while since i see a mark in a topic saying there is something new.
maybe we need a topic to put random funny youtube videos (like real petter griffin visit the comic-con or Do You Want to Build a Meth Lab? [carefull this one have breaking bad spoiler if someone do not complete it] or dorkly bits videos)

the game dont stop isn't?

i hope i am one of a lot of people waiting to see suicide squad Very Happy finally comes a movie with harley quinn :F

some people can throw flash games to play, its been a while since i find something good like abobo's big adventure, There is no game, the last stand union city, road of the dead, elf story, tentacle wars the purple menace, hex empire or arcuz

2why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Tue 21 Jul 2015, 3:51 pm


Game Master
Game Master
Designers are working on the art,so nothing much to talk about until they finish their work.

3why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Tue 21 Jul 2015, 11:09 pm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
I really appreciate your concern. Please feel free to post as much humor around the forums as possible. The more the merrier Smile

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

4why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Sun 26 Jul 2015, 11:52 am


Ack! Been swallowed by the work beast. I don't get wifi in there Wink

I'd love to see all the humor posts you can think of!

5why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Sun 26 Jul 2015, 11:29 pm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Q: What do you call a 70s cookie band?

A: OREO Speedwagon.

http://No thank you. I've eaten enough.

6why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Tue 28 Jul 2015, 12:01 am


こへこ Took me a while to get that since I don't listen to them...

Get out of here, grandpa! Razz

(I'm just messing' with ya)

7why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Wed 29 Jul 2015, 11:49 am


New Member
New Member
Countpain wrote:Q: What do you call a 70s cookie band?

A: OREO Speedwagon.

WAIT WAIT WAIT , I got a joke about a cookie too! ..ahh.. actually..
nevermind its a Crumby one anyway Embarassed

*rim shot* jocolor

8why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Wed 29 Jul 2015, 12:34 pm


why there is so much silence?! 20150114_183716_


9why there is so much silence?! Empty Re: why there is so much silence?! Wed 29 Jul 2015, 1:34 pm


New Member
New Member
clown lol cookie monster FTW!

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