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I want to know something.

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1I want to know something. Empty I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 4:41 am


New Member
New Member
There are or will be pvp,mounts and legendary objects or some kind of tier like that,and pets?

2I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 4:50 am


Game Master
Game Master
PvP will be added probably.
I'm not sure about the mounts/pets as it wasn't discussed.
And what do you mean exactly with legendary objects?

3I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 6:57 am


New Member
New Member
Flume wrote:PvP will be added probably.
I'm not sure about the mounts/pets as it wasn't discussed.
And what do you mean exactly with legendary objects?
Top tier objects with different effects like more dmg or some kind of buff for ur character.If u played rpg games u will know what im talking about

4I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 7:07 am


Game Master
Game Master
I don't know,wait for Hydracool/Frosty to answer you,becuase i never talked or saw something about Tier stuff.
Here you can see a skill tree.So buffs will or already are added.
I want to know something. HfdmNdR

5I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 8:52 am


New Member
New Member
Flume wrote:I don't know,wait for Hydracool/Frosty to answer you,becuase i never talked or saw something about Tier stuff.
Here you can see a skill tree.So buffs will or already are added.
I want to know something. HfdmNdR
Are you playing right now?Or the servers are down?

6I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 8:56 am


Game Master
Game Master
I finded this picture in "Voo's album",just to show you the buffs/skills.

7I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 9:42 am


Regarded Member
Regarded Member
Flume wrote:I finded this picture in "Voo's album"


8I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Wed 27 May 2015, 11:40 am


Legendary objects (like higher tier equipments) exist now and will be fully included in the coming updates

PvP will be added. We are in Alpha right now and as soon as we go into Beta and have a stable release without PvP, I will make the next update after Beta include fully functional PvP, PvP zones, PvP gear, and PvP rewards Smile

Mounts and pets are also planned. Pets will come before mounts, though.


9I want to know something. Empty Re: I want to know something. Fri 29 May 2015, 1:36 am


Game Master
Game Master
Answered,topic locked.

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