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How will combat work?

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1How will combat work? Empty How will combat work? Sun 03 May 2015, 1:32 am


I have narrowed the idea of combat down to one specific system and that is real time live action. That means no targeting, just pure all out battle.

But would players rather have the direction of the player determined by the arrow keys.... Or the mouse?

If determined by the arrow keys, then you just be running in the same direction as you wish to attack in, thus your attack direction is bound by your movement direction. If mouse controlled, you may run in any direction and attack in any direction simtaneously.

Think of an FPS shooter versus a game with a combat style such as ROTMG.


2How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Sun 03 May 2015, 2:58 am


I would love the arrows to think about it.


3How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Sun 03 May 2015, 3:30 am


Regarded Member
Regarded Member
Firstly, I love that you decided not to have targeting. I think it's more challenging and fun without it.

As for mouse or arrow keys, I'd have to test both to say for sure, but I'd most likely prefer arrow keys, as I despise aiming with the mouse.

4How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Sun 03 May 2015, 8:43 am


Yeah, I'd probably say test both and see how it works. Hard to say for me, at least.

5How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Tue 05 May 2015, 10:16 pm


New Member
New Member
little different not having targeting though

6How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Wed 20 May 2015, 9:24 am


New Member
New Member
I play a lot of ARPGs, so I prefer mouse.
It also makes ranged classes way more fun to play IMO!

7How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Thu 28 May 2015, 10:08 am


New Member
New Member
What about melee skills using Hotkeys, AOEs could be placed with the mouse, and ranged could be aimed with mouse and shot with left click.

8How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Thu 28 May 2015, 10:44 am


GendR wrote:What about melee skills using Hotkeys, AOEs could be placed with the mouse, and ranged could be aimed with mouse and shot with left click.

Yeah these ideas are good! Smile


9How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Wed 10 Jun 2015, 12:04 pm


Jr. Member
Jr. Member
I vote for arrow keys in hope that I will be able to one day use my controller...haha.
Don't get me wrong I can still use it, but when setting the mouse to be controlled with a joystick it gets very sensitive and kinda hard to use.

10How will combat work? Empty Re: How will combat work? Fri 12 Jun 2015, 5:56 am


New Member
New Member
Morbius wrote:I vote for arrow keys in hope that I will be able to one day use my controller...haha.
Don't get me wrong I can still use it, but when setting the mouse to be controlled with a joystick it gets very sensitive and kinda hard to use.

I agree Very Happy

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