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Why i can't play?

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1Why i can't play? Empty Why i can't play? Thu 28 May 2015, 12:25 pm


New Member
New Member
Flume i summon u xD (Alpha Testing is closed that is the error,I don't even know if that is an error)

2Why i can't play? Empty Re: Why i can't play? Thu 28 May 2015, 12:48 pm


Game Master
Game Master
It means the server is offline,you will see a message on the front page appear  when the server will be online again.


Why i can't play? ZM3tM28

3Why i can't play? Empty Re: Why i can't play? Fri 29 May 2015, 1:33 am


Game Master
Game Master
Answered,thread locked.

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