This is absolutely awesome! We can definitely use this.
Again sorry for taking so long to make that video for map editing. I will get it to you this weekend!
For starters, you're basically going to be placing the objects tile by tile, object by object onto the map editor. There are no restrictions on the coordinates of anything, so you don't need to "snap" it to a grid. You also can set a "ground" so you don't need to place actual tiles to make up the ground. So example you would set this map's "ground" to that green color of the grass. And then you only need to place tiles that are different, such as pavement, flowers, and different shades of the ground like the grassy patches.
The only restrictions I'm going to place on the starter town are the following:
1. It needs to be enclosed (kinda obvious) most likely by a border of trees like you have at the top
2. There needs to be two primary exits to this enclosure, one on the left side of town, one on the right side
3. There needs to be one fenced off area for chickens lol
4. Make this town however big you want, but just know it should be smaller when compared to larger towns
5. It needs a small area for the cemetery. This is where you respawn when you die anywhere in the game.
6. Some areas either inside the town or in the future maps that will be right outside of this town. These areas will be for monsters like pigs, sheep, other farm things.
Other than that, feel free to make it any shape you want or add any other unique things you want. Maybe some caves to explore or patches in the tree border to walk in to.
Cant wait to see this!