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What's going on around here?

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1What's going on around here? Empty What's going on around here? Sun 22 May 2016, 10:56 am


Was looking for a new up-and-coming Indie game to take part in. I stumbled across this one. I'm concerned though. Is this game dead? no posts for months. I see some mods saying, "everyone's busy" yadda yadda. Looking into the archives shows some people that did some kick ass work like QueenC, Countpain, Mimies, Riptide, and the rest but now I see nothing.

It'd be sad if everything went down the tubes. Is anyone still alive around here?

2What's going on around here? Empty Re: What's going on around here? Wed 25 May 2016, 4:38 am


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Hi. I think there's just a few people still working on the game.

3What's going on around here? Empty Re: What's going on around here? Mon 30 May 2016, 6:54 pm


mhm. I bet I'll come on here in about 3 months and still see the same old nothing.

4What's going on around here? Empty Re: What's going on around here? Fri 10 Jun 2016, 1:26 pm


Dubious wrote:mhm. I bet I'll come on here in about 3 months and still see the same old nothing.
Hey Dubious, have you ever developed a game before? I'm willing to bet you haven't. It is quite a complicated process. As QueenC stated, there are only a few people working on the game, and if the development of the game is abandoned, I'm sure they would make an announcement rather than leave us hanging. Granted, I would rather play a game that took a while to develop and is perfected rather than a game that was rushed to be released and isn't worth playing.

5What's going on around here? Empty Re: What's going on around here? Tue 14 Jun 2016, 3:30 pm


Timber wrote:
Dubious wrote:mhm. I bet I'll come on here in about 3 months and still see the same old nothing.
Hey Dubious, have you ever developed a game before? I'm willing to bet you haven't. It is quite a complicated process. As QueenC stated, there are only a few people working on the game, and if the development of the game is abandoned, I'm sure they would make an announcement rather than leave us hanging. Granted, I would rather play a game that took a while to develop and is perfected rather than a game that was rushed to be released and isn't worth playing.

Then you'd better not go to a casino any time soon. I in fact have experience in this matter if you're so quick to "presume". I also know why each and every one of the previous devs dropped out- something of which you probably don't. I know which devs are still working, and I know that you come around every once in a great while and say the same boring smoke screen messages of how "you'd rather have a perfected game."

Looking through the archives, this is the longest stretch of silence and a huge precursor to a dead game or a dev staff that really doesn't give a crap about their supporters. I think it might be both because I believe the game is dead and they don't really care a wink to tell anyone. Since I know how some of the behind-the-scenes drama went down, I'm pretty certain most of the remaining staff doesn't have two ounces of motivation to really follow through with this.

Anyway, keep entertaining yourselves.

6What's going on around here? Empty Re: What's going on around here? Sat 30 Jul 2016, 8:06 am


Active Member
Active Member
Yo, I was actually having the same question.... What is Hydra doing btw? he hasnt been online here since January!

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